22 October 2010

Siebel VB Language Reference V7.7

Siebel VB is an enhanced configuration environment which includes:

■ A fully functional procedural programming language
■ A bidirectional application interface to provide bidirectional access to Siebel Business Objects
■ An editing environment to create and maintain custom Siebel VB routines
■ A debugger to assist in detecting errors in Siebel VB routines
■ A compiler to compile the custom Siebel VB routines
■ A run-time engine (similar to a Basic interpreter) to process the custom Siebel VB routines

You can use Siebel VB to create scripts that automate a variety of daily tasks.

Developers looking for scripting functionality on their UNIX-hosted Siebel Object Managers should read Siebel eScript Language Reference.

Download Link
Siebel VB Language Reference V7.7