In this Short Cut, we'll take a close look at Silverlight 1.1 and bring clarity to this bleeding-edge technology.
First we'll take a broad look at the new concept of Rich Internet Applications and how Silverlight fits into that picture. Then we'll examine how you work with Silverlight 1.1, highlighting tools, concepts, and code that you will need to build these interactive applications. Finally, we'll take a practical look at using Silverlight 1.1 to build a custom control, pulling all of the concepts and tools together.
Join ASP.NET Master and Telerik Chief Technical Evangelist Todd Anglin and the Telerik Team as they guide you to understanding Silverlight 1.1.
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Introducing Silverlight 1.1
First we'll take a broad look at the new concept of Rich Internet Applications and how Silverlight fits into that picture. Then we'll examine how you work with Silverlight 1.1, highlighting tools, concepts, and code that you will need to build these interactive applications. Finally, we'll take a practical look at using Silverlight 1.1 to build a custom control, pulling all of the concepts and tools together.
Join ASP.NET Master and Telerik Chief Technical Evangelist Todd Anglin and the Telerik Team as they guide you to understanding Silverlight 1.1.
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Introducing Silverlight 1.1