31 December 2010

Risk Analysis and the Security Survey

Security and risk management are principally concerned with the protection and conservation of corporate assets and resources. The task of protection continues to be an increasingly complex one in a time when technology is creating new products (and thus risk) at an explosive rate. Add this to the crime rate -- now aggravated by domestic and international terrorism -- and the importance of risk analysis and evaluation to design proper protection becomes self-evident.
With an awareness of the growing threat of global terrorism, the third edition of RISK ANALYSIS AND THE SECURITY SURVEY has been completely updated. It includes two new chapters covering disaster recover planning, mitigation, and the evolving methodologies that are a result of the Homeland Security Act.

The following topics will also be added and covered among the various chapters: contingency planning, testing of disaster response plan, managing during a crisis, maintaining and testing a response plan (team drills, etc.), bomb threats and suicide bombings, and prevention techniques to better prepare business for new post 9/11 security risks.

- Covers Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Project Planning, Data Collection, Data Analysis and Report of Findings, and Prediction of Criminal Behavior
- Presents updated statistical information and practical case examples
- Helps professionals and students produce more effective results-oriented security surveys

24 December 2010

Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks

Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks explores self-organization mechanisms and methodologies concerning the efficient coordination between intercommunicating autonomous systems.Self-organization is often referred to as the multitude of algorithms and methods that organise the global behaviour of a system based on inter-system communication. Studies of self-organization in natural systems first took off in the 1960s. In technology, such approaches have become a hot research topic over the last 4-5 year.

17 December 2010

Biological Psychiatry

Biological psychiatry has dominated psychiatric thinking for the past 40 years, but the knowledge base of the discipline has increased substantially more recently, particularly with advances in genetics and neuroimaging.test advances in neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, genetics and brain imaging— descriptions not only of methodologies but also of the application of these in clinical settings. It is within this context that there is a considerable emphasis in the book on brain–behaviour relationships both within and without the clinical setting.

10 December 2010

Econometrics 4th edition

This book teaches some of the basic econometric methods and the underlying assumptions behind them. Estimation, hypotheses testing and prediction are three recurrent themes in this book. Some uses of econometric methods include 
(i) empirical testing of economic theory, whether it is the permanent income consumption theory or purchasing power parity, 
(ii) forecasting, whether it is GNP or unemployment in the U.S. economy or future sales in the computer industry. 
(iii) Estimation of price elasticities of demand, or returns to scale in production. More importantly, econometric methods can be used to simulate the effect of policy changes like a tax increase on gasoline consumption, or a ban on advertising on cigarette consumption.

03 December 2010

Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security

Hardware-intrinsic security is a young field dealing with secure secret key storage. By generating the secret keys from the intrinsic properties of the silicon, e.g., from intrinsic Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), no permanent secret key storage is required anymore, and the key is only present in the device for a minimal amount of time. The field is extending to hardware-based security primitives and protocols such as block ciphers and stream ciphers entangled with the hardware, thus improving IC security. While at the application level there is a growing interest in hardware security for RFID systems and the necessary accompanying system architectures. This book brings together contributions from researchers and practitioners in academia and industry, an interdisciplinary group with backgrounds in physics, mathematics, cryptography, coding theory and processor theory. It will serve as important background material for students and practitioners, and will stimulate much further research and development.